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heeen's blame forum :: View topic - Sidonia "Design Memo"
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Sidonia "Design Memo"
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Author:  oniexpress [ Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Sidonia "Design Memo"

So in issue 16 there's a nifty "design memo" .

Seeing as how one of my hobbies is to waste massive amounts of time doing 3d modelling that will never see the light of day (usually for good reason: I kinda suck) I figured that I would take some time in SketchUp to do a rough draft of it; maybe go into detail later on.

Measurements at a glance: an oblong hexagon with the broad x-axis measuring 5km on the interior, that gave me a rough y-axis of 36km and a guestimated z-axis of 3km on the narrow angle. The exterior hull seems to be somewhere around 800 meters.

It's divided up into roughly 9km of "underground levels", 15km of residential open-air space divided into three tiers, and 6km of water storage/aquaculture (this works out to over 6,300,000 cubic kilometers of water, meaning 1664283927600000 gallons. anyone else thirsty?).

At any rate, I'm going to work on the 3D model for a bit longer, then I'll post some images. I can probably find a way to share the model at some point, if anyone is interested.

File comment: very early draft
0001 sidonea.png
0001 sidonea.png [ 15.66 KiB | Viewed 28332 times ]

Author:  Red [ Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sidonia "Design Memo"

That's pretty cool, man. I'll be looking forward to the more final drafts.

Author:  oniexpress [ Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sidonia "Design Memo"

Still working at things; I'm only using SketchUp for this because there's no other sensible way to do something on this scale. The 3D model is 1:1, if that wasn't obvious.

I was randomly fiddling in the "outer hull" section, playing with making a series of corridors and empty spaces; just quickly expanding walls around with no real method. Forty-five minutes later I decided to zoom out and see how it looked.

To give you an idea of scale: If you can see the entire model from top to bottom, the area that I designed (several hundred meters in all directions) basically looks like a dead pixel on my screen.

I also come bearing New Content:

Below is an image I made, superimposing a rough version of one of the habitation levels over downtown NYC. Now, from the manga it would appear that a good portion of these sections are "shelved" and a lot of use is made of the side walls. Still, there are more than a few views that imply that there are at least one or two sections that spread more or less the entire surface.

File comment: sorry, had to be resized way down
top down nyc.gif
top down nyc.gif [ 193.32 KiB | Viewed 28315 times ]

And what a surface it is. From the south edge of Central Park, all the way up to 120th Street. A good third of Manhattan can be fit on Sidonia in one layer.

Author:  Happy Space Ark [ Thu Mar 29, 2012 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sidonia "Design Memo"

Author:  oniexpress [ Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sidonia "Design Memo"

Author:  theuderic [ Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sidonia "Design Memo"

nice, it reminds me of one i made a few months ago, but am a busy person so i did't detailed it enough, if you want the model i can share, it was done in Rhino :3

sidonia2.jpg [ 62.93 KiB | Viewed 28297 times ]

sidonia.jpg [ 55.86 KiB | Viewed 28297 times ]

Author:  oniexpress [ Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sidonia "Design Memo"

Nice looking. Thanks but no thanks on the offer of the model; if I don't have the previous measurements I used memorized on a model it takes me forever and a day to re-figure things each time.

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